Hi there! I am Amelia Riehl (she/her), and I am very excited about this course. I have taken a few EDCI courses in the past, and I loved them, so I decided to sign up for this course. I have also learned a fair bit about open learning, so the title of this course piqued my interest. I hope to learn more about open and distributed learning and how it can be optimized for student potential.
I am starting my last year of my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a minor in Education. This class fits my studies wonderfully as I am passionate about elementary childhood education and child and adolescent mental health.
Outside of my studies, my interests and hobbies include lifeguarding, teaching swimming lessons and first aid, swimming, soccer, adventuring outdoors, and photography. I also love travelling home to northern Manitoba to see my friends and family.
I used to dislike group work; however, in my recent EDCI courses, I have grown to enjoy it. Group work allows for great collaboration and teamwork, not to mention it’s fun to get to know others and understand their opinions! I have no preference to work alone or with others, as long as the job is completed. I’m a natural leader, so I typically take charge when working in group situations. I love good collaboration, and I also enjoy working alone.
I’m excited to start this course and look forward to meeting you all!
Thanks for the read 🙂